About HyperJump, FAQ

At HyperJump Funds, we believe in transparency, functionality, and keeping things simple. Taking that first leap toward your goals can be daunting, but with HyperJump Funds, it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how you can get started with our Evaluation Program:

First, head over to our website and browse through the available packages. Once you’ve found the one that suits you, click the “Start Now” button. If you’re already part of the HyperJump family, just hit the “Client Area” button at the top of the page and sign in.

New here? No problem. Signing up is a breeze. Click the “Sign up now” button, enter your email and password, and verify your email. Once that’s done, sign in and complete your profile details.

Next, go to the “Packages” menu and select the one that fits your needs. After selecting your package, you’ll be redirected to the payment page. Double-check that you’ve got the right package, enter your payment details, and hit that payment button.

And that’s it—it’s really that simple and quick. Once your payment is complete, you’ll be automatically redirected to the “Trade Accounts” page, where you can activate your account and start your journey to bigger and better things. We’ll also send you the e-learning materials via email, but if you ever need them again, they’re always accessible under the “E-Learning” tab in your personalized dashboard.

We wish you the best of luck in the Evaluation Process and can’t wait to welcome you as one of our HyperTrader traders! If you need any help along the way, our customer service team is here for you. Just reach out via the contact page on our website.

At HyperJump Funds, it’s all about HyperJump and You. Stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates, and don’t miss our trading tips and insights on YouTube and TikTok.

Ready to make the jump? HyperJump Funds is here to help you soar to new heights
