About HyperJump, FAQ

At HyperJump Funds, we’re all about keeping things transparent, functional, and straightforward. Once you’ve selected and purchased the challenge that suits you, we jump into action, processing your package as quickly as possible. In fact, we’ve streamlined things so well that your trading profile should be ready even before the confirmation email hits your inbox. Just a heads-up—sometimes it might take a bit longer, but it’s usually under an hour. If you find yourself waiting longer than that, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

Ready to dive into our Evaluation Program? Here’s how to get started:

After you complete your payment, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Trade Accounts page. This is where your journey to the big leagues begins. You can activate your trading account here—just click the activate button, and you’ll receive your login details for the platform you’ve chosen. Once your account is activated, you’ll see the “active” label, signaling that you’re good to go.

Remember, your login credentials are yours and yours alone. Keep them safe, and don’t share them with anyone else. We can’t take responsibility if someone else gains access to your account.

Next, head over to the Trading Client tab to download the trading interface for your preferred platform. Whether you’re on a PC, Mac, or smartphone, we’ve got you covered.

We’re excited to see you succeed in the Evaluation Process and look forward to welcoming you into the ranks of our HyperTrader community!

At HyperJump Funds, it’s all about HyperJump and You. Stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates, and don’t miss out on our trading insights and educational content on YouTube and TikTok.

Ready to make the jump? We’re here to help you reach new heights.
