FAQ, Verification Process

To successfully complete the Normal HyperJump Funds challenge, you’ll need to trade for a minimum of 7 days during the first phase. These days don’t have to be consecutive, giving you the flexibility to pace yourself. The same requirement applies to the Evaluation phase—another 7 days of trading are needed to demonstrate your consistency and skill.

We believe in giving you the time you need to succeed, so there’s no maximum time limit for completing our Evaluation Process. Take it at your own pace. Once you’ve met all the trading requirements, your trades will be reviewed within 1-2 business days. If everything checks out, you can move forward to the next phase without delay. In fact, if you follow the rules and stay focused, you could be using your HyperTrader Account in as little as two weeks.

For those taking on the Aggressive HyperJump Funds challenge, the rules are similar but with an accelerated timeline. In this challenge, you’re required to trade for at least 4 days during both the first and Evaluation phases—again, these don’t have to be consecutive.

We’re excited to see you succeed in the Evaluation Process and can’t wait to welcome you into the ranks of our HyperTrader traders!

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Ready to make the jump? HyperJump Funds is here to help you reach new heights.
