About HyperJump, FAQ

You have the freedom to hold as many accounts as you like during the HyperJump Funds Challenge and Verification process. However, once you reach the status of a HyperTrader, we set a maximum capital allocation limit of $400,000 per trader or strategy at any given time. This limit is in place to ensure proper risk management and diversification.

While we encourage you to explore different strategies, we ask that you refrain from creating multiple accounts through various registrations—this isn’t permitted. If we detect that identical trading strategies are being used across multiple accounts that push you over the $400,000 limit in active HyperTrader Accounts, we may need to suspend those accounts in line with our contract.

Should you prefer to consolidate your individual HyperTrader Accounts into one master account, we’re happy to help with that—just reach out to us. To combine accounts, they must meet a few criteria:

– Each account needs to be at least at its initial balance.
– None of the accounts should be in a drawdown.
– There can’t be any pending profits awaiting a Profit Split.
– All accounts must have the same risk setup—you can’t merge a Normal HyperTrader Account with an Aggressive one, for instance.
– All accounts to be merged should be in the same base currency.

Once combined, your new master HyperTrader Account will have a unified balance and drawdown limits based on the challenge you initially subscribed to.

There are some real advantages to merging your accounts:

– Lower Personal Risk: You can trade with substantial capital without risking your own funds.
– Less Evaluation Stress: Merging accounts means you won’t need to go through the evaluation process again, reducing stress and helping you maintain better performance.

Avoid Extra Fees: If you’ve struggled with the evaluation process, repeated failures can add up in fees. Merging your HyperTrader Accounts into one larger account helps you avoid paying for the program multiple times.
By offering this flexibility, we aim to support you in maximizing your trading potential while keeping the process smooth and stress-free.
